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 College Application Essay Assistance: Gain Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to College Application Essay Coaching  thumbnail

College Application Essay Assistance: Gain Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to College Application Essay Coaching

Published Nov 17, 23
0 min read

New Bridge Education Consulting offers expert college guidance for high school graduates in Rye, 10580. They provide comprehensive college application essay assistance to help students navigate the complex process of applying to college. With a team of knowledgeable consultants, they offer one-on-one essay development, comprehensive writing processes, supplementary essay development, and college essay review services. Let's explore how New Bridge Education Consulting can assist high school students in crafting compelling application essays and standing out in the admissions process. ## College Consulting: Helping Students Navigate the College Application Process Navigating the college application process can be overwhelming for high school students. New Bridge Education Consulting understands the challenges students face and offers college consulting services to help them throughout the process. Their experienced consultants provide guidance on selecting the right colleges, understanding admission requirements, and strategizing the application timeline. Whether students need assistance in researching colleges, preparing for standardized tests, or crafting compelling application essays, New Bridge Education Consulting's college consulting services ensure a smooth and well-informed application process. By working with their knowledgeable consultants, students can have confidence in their college choices and feel supported every step of the way. Helpful Link: [College Consulting Services]( ## One-on-One Main Essay Development: Crafting a Personalized and Compelling Application Essay The main essay is a crucial component of a college application. It allows students to showcase their unique personality, experiences, and aspirations to admissions officers. However, creating a personalized and compelling essay can be a challenging task. New Bridge Education Consulting offers one-on-one main essay development to assist students in crafting exceptional application essays. Their consultants work closely with students to brainstorm potential essay topics, develop an outline, and provide guidance throughout the writing process. By leveraging their expertise, these consultants help students develop essays that effectively showcase their strengths and resonate with college admissions readers. Helpful Link: [Essay Inquiry]( ## The Comprehensive Process of Writing a College Application Essay Crafting a strong college application essay requires a comprehensive writing process. New Bridge Education Consulting understands this and provides a systematic approach that ensures students produce high-quality essays. Their consultants guide students through a step-by-step process of brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and revising their essays. They pay close attention to elements such as storytelling, tone, style, and theme, ensuring that the final essay presents a clear and compelling narrative. The comprehensive process empowers students to create essays that authentically represent their unique experiences and perspectives. ## Supplementary Essay Development: Standing Out with Unique Short Writing Pieces Many selective colleges require students to submit supplementary essays in addition to the main essay. These supplemental essays provide an opportunity for students to showcase their intellectual curiosity, passions, and fit with the college's values and culture. New Bridge Education Consulting offers assistance with the development of unique short writing pieces. Their experienced consultants help students navigate the specific requirements of each college's supplemental essays, ensuring that their responses are tailored and impactful. By providing guidance on content selection, structure, and writing style, New Bridge Education Consulting helps students stand out among other applicants. Helpful Link: [Services]( ## College Essay Review: Expert Evaluation and Suggestions for Improvement For students who have already written their application essays, New Bridge Education Consulting offers a college essay review service. This service involves the evaluation of the essay by their lead counselor and writing specialist, who provide expert feedback and suggestions for improvement. The essay review process focuses on assessing elements such as style, voice, coherence, and story logic. The consultants at New Bridge Education Consulting understand what college admissions officers are looking for and provide constructive criticism to help students strengthen their essays. This valuable feedback enhances the overall quality of the essay and maximizes the students' chances of success in the admissions process. Helpful Link: [Contact]( ## New Bridge Educational Consulting: A Team of Committed and Knowledgeable Consultants New Bridge Education Consulting is proud to have a team of committed and knowledgeable consultants who work with students to discover their passions and succeed in the college application process. Each consultant brings a unique set of skills and experiences to provide comprehensive guidance to students. Stephanie Bartling, the lead counselor at New Bridge Education Consulting, has over 25 years of experience in admissions and college counseling. Her holistic and individualized approach ensures that students receive personalized support tailored to their specific needs. Bartling combines her extensive knowledge of different educational settings with a deep commitment to her clients' success. Linda Lowen, a writing specialist at New Bridge Education Consulting, has a keen eye for language, style, and storytelling. With her expertise, she helps students refine their essay writing skills and cultivate a distinct voice that resonates with admissions officers. Lowen's insights and feedback are invaluable in shaping students' essays into compelling narratives. ## Getting Your Best Essay: The Importance of a Comprehensive Essay Review Receiving a comprehensive essay review is essential for high school students to present their best work in college applications. New Bridge Education Consulting understands the significance of a thorough review and offers expert evaluation to help students refine their essays. A comprehensive essay review ensures that students' essays are free from grammar and structural errors. It also helps identify areas of improvement in terms of storytelling, clarity, consistency, and overall impact. The consultants at New Bridge Education Consulting provide insightful suggestions and feedback to help students enhance their essays and make a lasting impression on admissions officers. ## Expert Reviewers: Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling's Insights and Feedback The insights and feedback of expert reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling play a crucial role in helping students succeed in the college application process. Their combined expertise and extensive experience in counseling, writing, and admissions give them a unique perspective on what makes a standout college application essay. Linda Lowen's attention to detail and storytelling expertise ensure that students' essays captivate readers and effectively convey their narratives. Stephanie Bartling's extensive knowledge of college admissions helps students navigate the nuanced requirements and expectations of colleges. With their guidance, students can refine their essays and present their best selves to admissions officers. ## Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to Essay Coaching New Bridge Education Consulting incorporates insights from Harry Bauld, the award-winning author of "On Writing the College Application Essay." Bauld's expertise as a professional writer and teacher adds immense value to the essay coaching services provided by New Bridge Education Consulting. Drawing on his 30 years of experience in the field, Bauld offers valuable feedback on revision, compression, and attention to voice and language. His contributions enhance students' writing skills, ensuring that their essays are impactful, well-crafted, and genuine expressions of their individuality. Helpful Link: [Harry Bauld Select Essay Review]( ## FAQs

What services does New Bridge Education Consulting offer?

New Bridge Education Consulting offers a range of services, including college consulting, one-on-one essay development, comprehensive writing processes, supplementary essay development, and college essay review. Their team of knowledgeable consultants provides guidance and support throughout the college application process.

How can New Bridge Education Consulting help with college application essays?

New Bridge Education Consulting offers one-on-one main essay development, comprehensive writing processes, and supplementary essay development services. They have a team of experienced consultants who work closely with students to brainstorm essay topics, develop outlines, and provide guidance throughout the writing process. Their goal is to help students craft personalized and compelling application essays that stand out to college admissions readers.
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Support for Crafting College Application Essays College Application Essay Assistance: Helping Students Write Persuasive Essays
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Guidance on College Application Essays: Expert Reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling: Providing Insights on College Application Essays

College Application Essay Assistance: Helping Students Write Persuasive Essays

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